If you’ve ever found yourself scrolling through your Instagram or Twitter feed, you’ve probably seen a bunch of terms that you don’t understand. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Social media lingo is constantly evolving and can be hard to keep up with. To help out, here is a comprehensive list of some of the most common social media terms you should know and the definitions to go with them.
OOTD aka Outfit of the Day: This term is used when someone posts a photo or video of their outfit for the day. This has become increasingly popular on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.
Clickbait: Clickbait is when content creators use eye-catching headlines and titles to draw people in and encourage them to click on the post. It’s also commonly used by bloggers, influencers, and brands wanting more views or visitors to their website/social media page. An example of this would be a news article about an alleged scandal your favorite actor or actress is a part of.
Click Through Rate (CTR): The CTR indicates how many people clicked on a specific link compared to how many times it was viewed. CTR helps measure success for online campaigns and shows if people are interested in what you are sharing.
AI: AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. This is technology designed to simulate human intelligence processes like decision making and problem solving. AI can be utilized in social media algorithms that curate content based on user preferences and interests or automate posting content from other sources such as RSS feeds or RSS readers.
Direct Messaging (DM): DM refers to private messages between two users on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, etc. These messages are typically hidden from public view unless one user explicitly allows it by changing their settings accordingly.
Engagement Rate: Engagement Rate refers to the number of likes, comments, views, shares per post compared to the total number of followers on a particular account, page, brand, and influencer profile. This metric helps measure how successful posts are performing as well as creating more meaningful relationships with followers over time.
FYP: FYP stands for For You Page, which is an algorithm feature created by TikTok that displays videos tailored specifically for each user based on their viewing history. This algorithm sorts through millions of videos every day to recommend relevant content that each individual user might enjoy watching. On TikTok, there is a new FYP every time you log into the app.
Hashtag (#): Hashtags are keywords preceded by a pound sign (#) used across social media platforms that allow users to search for topics related to their interests and discover new content related to those topics. You would see these commonly on TikTok and Instagram.
Insight: Insight refers to data about posts performance that helps marketers track progress made towards reaching goals set out for online campaigns. Instagram has a section dedicated to showing insights.
Klout Score: Klout score is a score ranging from 1-100 assigned to individuals based on how influential they are according to certain criteria such as engagement rate with followers, number of followers they have, etc.
Meme: A meme can be described as an image with text overlay added which often contains jokes or funny references related either current events or pop culture phenomena.
Retweet (RT): Retweets allow users who follow another account's tweets share them with their own followers quickly and easily by simply “retweeting” it
Search Engine Optimization: SEO refers process of optimizing webpages so they rank higher in search engine results pages like Google & Bing. By optimizing websites, businesses can increase visibility & traffic from organic search results.
Stories / Reels / Posts: Stories refer short lived videos/images posted by users which disappear after 24 hours while reels & post refer long lasting videos and/or images posted by users which remain visible until deleted manually.
Tag: Tags refer labels attached photos & videos uploaded on different social networks like Instagram, Twitter, etc. Using these tags make it easier find images and videos related similar topics.
User Generated Content: UGC consists any form of content produced by consumers including reviews, ratings, photos, comments, etc.
Vlogging: Vlogging stands video blogging where individual creates videos blog about personal experiences, opinions, and activities.
As technology continues evolve rapidly, so too does language associated it. With this list of basic social media terms under your belt you now are better prepared to navigate the digital world! Understanding these terms helps build better connections with customers and gain valuable insights into digital marketing trends!
